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Saturday, November 13, 2010

LED technology is quickly catching up with compact fluorescent lamps?

Finally someone came with LED light emitting diodes (LED), claims the top is a world first. Until now, LED ceiling lights not a commercial success, mainly due to low light output and property management of LED lighting. The manufacturer Sharp Corporation of Japan, claim 3 of the 6 models (which come with their own "Eco-functions") is also used to reduce energy consumption by up to 65% (on anti-off). These innovative designs are a consortium of University Women's Clinic Inoue NARA lab and Sharp Corporation.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Advantages of solar energy, they change the world

Solar energy has delivered many benefits, not only individuals but the entire planet. Solar technology is the sun's energy is captured and converted directly into heat or electricity and can be a whole family, or may be used by the lighting outside the house to feed. These are the positive aspects of solar energy, which you can explore and that too may be most critical. Many know solar technology professionals in particular want and are determined to a decision whether to make changes to benefit you personally.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Solar-Powered Boat Takes a Journey Around the World

The world’s biggest solar-powered boat, PlanetSolar will be sailing around the world. Weighing 60-ton and costing 18 million euro ($24.4 million), the catamaran will be fuelled by photovoltaic cells from SunPower Corporation. It will be introduced for sea trails from Germany’s Knierim Yacht Club.

Solar boat skipper and chief executive Raphael Domjan will be touring around the world with Gerard d’Aboville beginning in April to promote solar power and the sea transport’s part in reducing global carbon emissions.

The solar boat will be visiting Abu Dhabi, Hamburg, London, Paris, New York, San Francisco, and Singapore in early 2011.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

HES-have the right, energy efficient housing assistance subsidy plan?

If you live in Ireland, this is for you. As you now know, the Irish government is keen to encourage people to go to critical elements in improving their homes to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and improve the general living conditions. To this end, specific financial support for the cost of initial investment by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, when applying ED or Home Energy Savings Plan.

Can I apply?

This is a national system and therefore the world (including the owner and the owner of several origins), the houses set before 2006 are eligible. The year 2006 was held on the last frontier because all the houses built there would inevitably follow the building code 2003, which anyway is usually the energy efficiency of buildings.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Electrical and electronic solutions for all

Most landfills in the world contain more waste than it can handle, especially of electronic waste. The term refers to all electrical equipment no longer used because it is not working properly, or just the breaks and can not be repaired. This can be anything from refrigerators and ovens, cell phones and laptops. Disposal of electronic products safe for our children's future must be preserved vital.

These days, electrical appliances have a life expectancy and thus more available as soon as a new product on the market to get rid of our old model and buy the new version hits. What to do with our outdated electric and is used is an issue that should concern the all - producers, processors and consumers.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Simple ways to improve their EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) Note

This is a legal requirement for all national assets in the United Kingdom at a pass on the energy efficiency (EPC) available before a property is sold or leased. All EPC must be supported by the National Energy Advisor (DEA) issued. This article describes what the DEA, when an inspection of the CPE, and what simple steps you can ensure your property can look gets the best possible rating.

In an investigation by the DEA for EPC 5 key elements look like this:

• How the property is built

• How is the heated room

• How is water heated

• How to turn the property

• What are the ventilation systems are in place

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Recycling of mobile phones to stop the accumulation of hazardous waste

Even kids these days are aware of the importance of recycling and why it is suddenly the order of the day to be with any other thing of service extends all around us. While most of them can be recycled are just some tendency to accumulate over time. This is the proportion of waste added to the ground, apparently in one place and to significant adverse environmental impacts. effective methods of recycling, therefore, to some extent used to contribute to toxic emissions, the volume of such waste, in fact, difficult to reduce in the atmosphere. Cell phones are not new to mankind and become our time, that almost a basic need for men and women in all countries of the world, made the number of mobile phones and sold to the highest point ever.

are precious and non-renewable resources for production of such high demand for electronic products, including the recycling of mobile phones on a good note under exploitation, the mobile phone is one of the solutions are used to stop mining virgin metals. Thousands of millions of mobile phone units manufactured and sold worldwide, but how many know that the sale of mobile phones can be recycled, at least parts of these devices very often? With the technologies of communication and information through a metamorphosis every second tendency is driven in this rapidly changing world of people to replace the technology in our phones, even when they are in perfect condition.

The programs have been recycling cell phones and mobile phone programs for collecting large quantities replaced only 1% are actually recycled. This is mainly due to awareness programs on a small scale recycling program for cell phones and its collections and recycling. The metals in mobile phones such as copper, iron, nickel, silver and zinc used with small amounts of aluminum, gold, lead, manganese, palladium, platinum and tin into account a lot of waste you see the number of mobile phones are discarded every year.

These pieces are not only mobile phone that can be used in new mobile phones, but you can do to make a lot of other sections of the movement of the rings gold cone. Most mobile operators have a reputation of provisions for the recycling of mobile phones. Otherwise, you can always lead to a search engine and type of recycling centers in your area and mobile phones go to your old phone now get recycled. Your individual step to recycling has the ability to make a big difference in saving the mother earth at the beginning of the destruction done.